Source: Orcalab
The matriline was present in over 60% of all of the encounters in the Johnstone strait region, making it one of best known matrilines. The group's size has increased, from 6 in the mid-1970s to 9 as of 2007, including 4 calves. It is extremely frequent in Johnstone Strait from late spring to early fall and during summer, it frequently travels with other pods of the northern resident community.
Discrete calls
Call type N47 is specific to the A1 pod and therein almost exclusively produced by the A30 matriline.
The repertoire of the A1 pod consists of the following 14 discrete calls:
N1i, N2, N3, N4, N5i, N7i, N7ii, N8i, N9i, N10, N11i, N12, N27 and N47
The calls N1i, N9i, N27 and N47 are exclusive for A1 pod. The other 10 calls are shared with at least the A4s and A5s.
The calls N2, N4, N7i and N10 are also made by the A4s and A5s.
The calls N3 and N12 are made by all the A clan groups.
The call N5i are also made by the A4s, A5s, Bs, Hs and I1s
The call N7ii are also made by the A4s, A5s and I1s
The cal N8i are also made by the A4s, A5s and Hs
The call N11i are also made by the A4s, A5s and Bs
A30s in the Johnstone Strait 2005
Blackney (A38)
A2 Nicola F:1927-1987
A30 Tsitika F:1947
A3 Wavy M:<1952-1979
A6 Strider M:1964-1999
Strider (A6) was the father of A45.
A38 Blackney M:1970
A39 Pointer M:1975
A50 Clio F:1984
A54 Blinkhorn F:1989
A72 Bend F:1999
A75 Cedar ?:2001
Cedar was born on September 6th 2001. (Source Orcalab)
A84 Klaoitsis ?:2005
A86 ?:2006