I had the (Transient orcas) T100's, 124A's, and the T085's on the afternoon of January 22nd off Victoria's waterfront. I left them at 1510 hrs off of Pedder Bay west bound for Race Passage.
The first and last time I saw the T085's was in November of 2009 in S.E. Alaska during a cetacean survey with Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Mark Malleson, Prince of Whales, Victoria, B.C.
May 25, 2011
On Maya's Westside Charters in the afternoon we headed up Boundary Pass toward East Pt. where transients had been spotted. The 1st group we encountered were 4 whales, which included T19B (I could see three other whales with him & am assuming his constant companions T18, T19 and T19C, but I didn't get pictures of them for proof of presence.) We left them and headed toward Alden Bank. Just north of Sucia Island we encountered a 2nd group: T124C, T124A, T124A2, T124A3 and T124A4. We continued on and encountered a 3rd group: T100, T100B, T100B1, T100C, T100E, T101, T101A, T101B, T102, T124, T124D, T124E, T124A1, T36, T36B,and T36B1. They changed direction and the 2nd group and the 3rd group joined up heading back in the direction of Pt. Roberts.
On our way home, traveling through Boundary Pass we encountered a 4th group: T137, T137A and T137B. A grand total of 28 killer whales.
Of course I'll be posting to my blog about this exciting day on the water.
Jeanne Hyde, San Juan Island
May 28, 2011
A group of 5 transient orca were located at approximately noon on the east side of Galiano Island, heading northwest. The group was later ID'ed as the T124A group and T124C. There appeared to be a calf that was approximately 1- 2 years of age (see photo, below). They were in a steady travel mode during our encounter, with some social interaction observed between the two youngest as they travelled.
Joan Lopez, Naturalist, Vancouver Whale Watch

Transient orca T124A and calf, Georgia Strait, May 28, 2011
Photo by Joan Lopez, Vancouver Whale Watch
May 31, 2011
Following up on a sighting of 1 whale in Active Pass, we located 5 transient orcas southbound in Swanson Channel at approximately 1230 today (5/31). The group was ID'ed as T87, T124A1, and the 3 T90's (see photo below). The group was traveling slowly, against the inbound tide, and were possibly resting. We left them at 1330, still traveling generally south.
Joan Lopez, Naturalist, Vancouver Whale Watch

Transient orcas T87, T124A1, and T90s, Swanson Channel, May 31, 2011
Photo by Joan Lopez, Vancouver Whale Watch
June 1, 2011
Transient orcas T87, T90s, and T124A1s today, 6/1, near Race Rocks, BC. between 2:30 and 3:30. They were having a great time They usually don't act like residents, but they were yesterday. We spent an hour watching them move into the 6 kt. flood tide and they didn't move.
Capt. Jim Maya, Maya's Westside Charters, San Juan Island, WA

Transient orcas breaching off Race Rocks, B.C. June 1, 2011
Photo by Capt. Jim Maya, Maya's West Side Charters, San Juan Isl.