January 7, 2011
There were 4 or 5 Orcas off the Victoria waterfront this morning! (Possibly the transients!?) I watched them from shore (they were passing Trial Island) from 10:09AM-11:30AM when I couldn't see them anymore heading past Albert Head (see photo).
Tim Green, Victoria, BC
Dave Ellifrit of the Center for Whale Research sent this after viewing Tim's photos:
The bull is T20 but I can't make out the others.
January 21, 2011
I had a short encounter with Transient orcas T20 and T21 early afternoon on January 21st after spotting them from shore south of Victoria. They were digesting lunch when I arrived as there was a small slick and several gulls around them while they milled about. I left them at 12:50 pointed north east as the forecasted strong westerly finally filled in.
Mark Malleson, Victoria, B.C.
January 25, 2011
T20 and T21 off Victoria's waterfront westbound out the Juan de Fuca with the ebb current on January 25th.
Mark Malleson,
Prince of Whales,
Victoria, B.C.

Transient orcas, T20 & T21
Victoria, B.C. January 25, 2011
Photo by Mark Malleson
February 5, 2011
We had Transient orcas T-20 and T-21 off of Sooke (S. Vancouver Island, BC) this morning at 0900 during our tour heading east. Cheers,
Russ, Sooke Coastal Explorations
April 3, 2011
We had the T049A's and the T049B's off of Victoria heading east on the afternoon of April 3rd. T020 and T021 were spotted close to the group heading west towards Race Rocks.
Mark Malleson, Prince of Whales, Victoria, B.C.
April 7, 2011
Another great day on the waters of the San Juan Islands. We heard that there were Transient Orcas coming up from Puget Sound, so I thought we might find them if we headed for Cattle Pass. There are always lots of Sea Lions on Whale Rocks, so if we don't see Orcas, we'll see them. We had great sightings of Sea Lions on Whale Rocks, then headed out to Hein Bank where a Minke Whale had been sighted. We missed him and headed home. At Lime Kiln Park, we got a call from Ron King. He suggested we head his way. He had found Transient orcas T20 and T21 over near Baynes Ch., near Victoria (see photo below). Everyone was really happy. We were the only U.S. boat to see whales today.
Cheers, Capt. Jim Maya, Maya's Westside Charters, San Juan Island
Transient orcas T20 and T21, near Victoria BC
April 7, 2011
Photo by Jim Maya
April 8, 2011
Turns out we had a report of orcas in Haro Strait, so we motored over towards Discovery Island (near Victoria, BC) and we were very lucky to have a chance to see the T20s, T49As and T49Bs. They were being a bit "un-transient like" in their behavior today. Lots of surface time, logging, and generally just "hanging out". Then down for 5-7 minutes, only to reappear in a random location (very transient like!) Even from 300 yards away, the whales were impressive, especially T20 and his massive notched fin! The whales appeared content to just "mosey" at a leisurely pace (OK, I'm a Texan so I can use the word mosey).
John Boyd (JB), SSAMN Marine Naturalist, Western Prince, Friday Harbor, WA
April 9, 2011
I came across Transient orcas T020 and T021 with the T049A's and B's late morning on April 8 offshore off Gordon Head (see photo below). They headed south around Discovery Island.
In the afternoon T020 and T021 split off and headed south-west out the Juan de Fuca and the others cruised the shoreline of Victoria's waterfront and were last seen off the mouth of Victoria harbour at 1700hrs.
Mark Malleson, Prince of Whales, Victoria, B.C.
April 13, 2011
We had the (Transient orcas) T-137's, the T-65's, T-20, T-21, T36B's and others I can't remember. The boat left the dock a few hours after sighting the whales this morning, thinking we would probably wind up doing a wildlife tour because the whales were moving fast out of our range, which is what we told our guests, but sure enough Cameron and Natalie found some transients off Waldron (Island, San Juan Islands). To all of you on the north shore of Orcas, keep an eye peeled.
Deer Harbor Chaters, Orcas Island, WA
April 13, 2011
After receiving a report of Transients in San Juan Channel, Center for Whale Research staff Dave Ellifrit and Erin Heydenreich departed on vessel Starlet from Snug Harbor. The encounter began at 9:56 am mid San Juan Channel (48° 34.95 N; 123° 02.07 W) with the T137's,T49B's and T49A's traveling in a loose group. We later encountered the T65A's and T36A's traveling up San Juan Channel. We also encountered the T75B's and T75C which have not been previously encountered by the Center. The encounter ended in Boundary Pass off John's Island (48° 40.81 N; 123° 08.73 W) at 11:26 am. The whales spread out and were heading toward Saturna Island, B.C. In all we had 20 transients: T20, T21, T36A,T36A1,T49A,T49A1,T49A3,T49B,T49B1,T49B2,T75B,T75B1,T75C,T65A,T65A2,T65A3,T65A4,T137,T137A, And T137B.
Center for Whale Research, San Juan Island, WA
April 15, 2011
Graeme Ellis of Canada's Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans called in a report of his encounter with the large group of Transients in Sansum Narrows and Ladysmith Harbor, B.C. from April 15th. They had a total of about 31 orcas total, IDs include the T100s, T36s, T20 & T21, T124s, T65As T90s, T99s, T137s, T87s and T37s. They found them in Swanson Channel after we got the call from Tamar Griggs, then followed them down as they went into and back out of Ladysmith Island, and left them around 7 pm up by Yellow Pt.
May 5
One of the Campbell River Whale Watching boats was out and managed to find the 12 Orca by Chatham Point, just at the lower start of Johnstone Strait around 12 pm, where they stayed and foraged for about an hour. These orcas were later confirmed as Transients from Aaron ofCampbell River Whale Watching. Aaron was with these 12 Transients which he believed included T20 and T21 for around 2 1/2 hours as they played with a seal.
May 12, 2011
5-12-2011 on Maya's Westside Charters in the afternoon, after receiving a call, we headed north and west to the north side of Galiano Island, B.C. where we encountered T20 and T21 heading east at 3:00. Farther east another boat came across T137, T137A and T137B. T137C was not present. Another boat was about 3 miles northwest of our location, returning to Vancouver, and came across several other whales. We did not see those whales and left the scene at 3:40. We made a return trip and at 5:35 encountered the same whales. However, this time many more whales approached from the west and joined the others. There was quite a lot of above water vocalizing and extraordinary surface action. The whales present included some of the same whales that were photographed at Lions Gate Bridge, Vancouver, B.C. Wednesday. The whales ID'd on the late encounter were: T20, T21, T137, T137A, T137B, T100, T100B, T100B1, T100C, T100E, T101, T101A, T101B, T102, T18, T19, T19B, T19C, T23, T23D, T26 and T26A. There was a total of 22 whales identified and possibly one or two more. I'll post more about the encounter along with a video clip and pictures on myblog.
Jeanne Hyde , San Juan Island
May 12
Today was one of those whales everywhere days. We left dock with no rumours, or even hints as to where to start. We soon got word of a humpback near Porlier Pass, and located it in Trincomali Channel, just south of the pass. This humpback was not exhibiting usual behaviour though. It was surfacing fast, and milling erratically, with just 1 breath per surface sequence and no long, lazy blow. Perhaps it knew what we were about to find out - transient orcas were in the Georgia Strait, and some were near. We headed out of the pass, and slightly south in Georgia Strait for an encounter with T20 and T21. These two individuals are sighted frequently in the area, and just continued on their way south, in typical transient fashion, during our encounter with them. Heading home across the strait, we encountered another 4 individuals - the T101's and T102. This group was also headed south in Georgia Strait. Watching them, we noted how tall T101A's fin is becoming, although still juvenile compared to T102 (see photo below). As we left them to head for dock at approximately 15:20, we heard that there were yet more transients in Active Pass. Seals, watch out!
May 14
11 am a tug boat Captain spotted some Orca off in the distance when one breached and made a large splash. By 11:15 am the call was out one the radio that there were around 20 Whales by Marina Island, just off Cortez Island. The reports from various Whale Watching groups out on the water today were constant. It didn't take too long and then, by 2pm the reports were that the Orca, including T10 T10B and T20 (based on reports from farther South it's doubtful that T20 is in two places at once - wonder who's right or did they move that far so quickly?) were zig zagging in three to four distinct groups within a triangle from Marina, Quadra and Read Islands. There were some on a kill by Viner point at the tip of Read Island. They stayed, spread out in that area until around 4 pm when they headed towards Whale Channel. At this point there was a count of around 25 Orca! By the end of the day, the Campbell River Whale Watching crew left them at 5 pm entering Calm Channel by Rendezvous Islands. What a day - breaching, tail slapping and just lots of whale activity!.
Susan MacKay - Whales and Dolphins BC, Powell River, B.C.
May 22, 2011
Yesterday (5/22) I did have ID photos with me and confirmed that it was T20 and T21 we saw in Swanson Channel between Village Bay and Navy Channel. We left them before we could see if they were continuing down Swanson or turning into Navy.
Raymond, Naturalist, Victoria Clipper III
May 24, 2011
Following up a rumour of orcas near Active Pass, we located T20 and T21 in the pass, near Miners Bay. Once again, we were treated to a lovely encounter that included a beautiful natural setting. The pair were traveling west through the pass, and then south in Swanson Channel. They were traveling slowly, with only about 3 breaths per surfacing, possibly resting. They passed by numerous harbour seals near Helen Point, and even one Steller sea lion without making any attempts at foraging. We left the T's southbound in Swanson Channel at the bottom of Mayne Island.
Joan Lopez, Naturalist, Vancouver Whale Watch, Vancouver, B.C.
Transient orcas T21 and T20, Active Pass, May 24, 2011
Photo by Joan Lopez, Vancouver Whale Watch
29 May 2011
Hey guys, just wanted to pass on some info about T20 and companies whereabouts. I saw them at Francisco Pt of the South end of Quadra Island at 1630. Hurricane Jack was with them till 1735 North bound at the Cape Mudge Lighthouse! 4 of them total, sounded like there was quite a young calf there too! Susan MacKay will have the full report! Cheers, AJ
AJ@Campbell River (CR)
29 May 2011 22:51:44 PDT
May 29
4:30 pm overheard a report of Orca by Francisco Point, by Campbell River heading South. Both AJ and Jack found them shortly after the report. Jack identified T20, T21 pluse 3 others including a young calf for a total count of 5 Transient Orca. He left them crossing Whidbey Shoals headed North around 5:45 pm.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins of BC, Powell River, B.C.
May 30
Transient orcas T20 and T21 spotted at Discovery Island May 30th at about 1:30pm. There were two groups of porpoises milling around within 300 yards of the two transients, but no interest in an afternoon snack was displayed.
Tasli Shaw
May 30
5-30-11 on Maya's Westside Charters at 2:00 p.m. we observed T20 and T21 less than a mile off Discovery Island. T20 and T21 had been in the same area since being spotted at about noon. I learned late in the day that a few visitors to Lime Kiln Pt. State Park had seen two whales passing by Lime Kiln at about 10:00 a.m.. That could not be confirmed, however, the locations and the time would make it possible that they may have seen T20 and T21.
5-30-11 after leaving T20 and T21 we traveled toward Zero Rock to see a gray whale that another boat had come across. The gray whale was heading south toward Discovery Island
Jeanne Hyde, San Juan Island, WA
June 9, 2011
This morning (6/9) we headed out on our 10am tour and made our way towards Constance Bank after receiving a report of a lone Male Orca being seen in that area at 8.30am by one of the local fishing charters.
Then we received a report that T20 & T21 (see photo below) had been sighted north of Beaumont Shoals, so off we headed in that direction. As we arrived on scene just off Lime Kiln we witnessed the two Transient Orcas make a kill, their prey this time being a Harbor Porpoise. We sat for several minutes as the T20 & T21 devoured the Porpoise between them and then headed off towards Kelp Reef!

Transient orcas T20 and T21 off San Juan Island, June 9, 2011
Photo by Andrew Lees, Five Star Whale Watching, Victoria, B.C
May 29
4:30 pm overheard a report of Orca by Francisco Point, by Campbell River heading South. Both AJ and Jack found them shortly after the report. Jack identified T20, T21 pluse 3 others including a young calf for a total count of 5 Transient Orca. He left them crossing Whidbey Shoals headed North around 5:45 pm.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins of BC, Powell River, B.C.
May 30
Transient orcas T20 and T21 spotted at Discovery Island May 30th at about 1:30pm. There were two groups of porpoises milling around within 300 yards of the two transients, but no interest in an afternoon snack was displayed.
Tasli Shaw
May 30
5-30-11 on Maya's Westside Charters at 2:00 p.m. we observed T20 and T21 less than a mile off Discovery Island. T20 and T21 had been in the same area since being spotted at about noon. I learned late in the day that a few visitors to Lime Kiln Pt. State Park had seen two whales passing by Lime Kiln at about 10:00 a.m.. That could not be confirmed, however, the locations and the time would make it possible that they may have seen T20 and T21.
5-30-11 after leaving T20 and T21 we traveled toward Zero Rock to see a gray whale that another boat had come across. The gray whale was heading south toward Discovery Island
Jeanne Hyde, San Juan Island, WA
June 9, 2011
This morning (6/9) we headed out on our 10am tour and made our way towards Constance Bank after receiving a report of a lone Male Orca being seen in that area at 8.30am by one of the local fishing charters.
Then we received a report that T20 & T21 (see photo below) had been sighted north of Beaumont Shoals, so off we headed in that direction. As we arrived on scene just off Lime Kiln we witnessed the two Transient Orcas make a kill, their prey this time being a Harbor Porpoise. We sat for several minutes as the T20 & T21 devoured the Porpoise between them and then headed off towards Kelp Reef!

Transient orcas T20 and T21 off San Juan Island, June 9, 2011
Photo by Andrew Lees, Five Star Whale Watching, Victoria, B.C