October 3, G63 of the G3 matriline was reported with a new calf. This means also that G63 is a female. The ID of the calf is not known yet. (source Stubb Islands)
July 19, A34 Simoom of the A12 matriline was seen with a new calf. ID of the new calf is probably A98
July 13, W3 lost her last son W2, Glenville this year and travels with R13 and her calf R47
July 7, A56, Nahwitti had a new calf. ID of the new calf is probably A97
July 7, A13, Skeena is missing and presumed dead.
July 3, A12, Scimitar is back in Johnstone Strait with the two remaining brothers of the A36s: A37, Plumper and A46, Kaikash
June 16, A32, Cracroft of the A36 matriline is missing and presumed dead
June 10, 2010 Nicknames of new borns in 2008
A88 (female), born to A42 Sonora, named Cameleon.
A89, born to A64 Schooner, named Kanish.
A90, born to A35 Skagit, named Pine
B17, born to B14 Klaskish, named Nasparti.
April 8, 2010. A51 Nodales, of the A25 matriline had a new calf. The calf ID is probably A96.
Feb 8, 2025 J Pod in Haro Strait
4 weeks ago