The matriarch is Scarlet B7. She had between 1964 and 1995 7 calves, which 6 are males.
In 1964 B8, Izumi was born. Izumi died in 2002. After almost 13 years Scarlet had her second calf, B10, Slingsby in 1979. Then after 5 years she had B12, Nakwakto in 1984 who died in 2006. Three years later she had her fourth son, B13, Yaculta, born in 1987.
Then in 1991 she had her only daughter B14, Klaskish, who had her first calf, B16, Arrow, in 2004.
In 1995 Scarlet had her last son B15, Raven.
Discrete calls
The repertoire of the B1 pod consists of the following 14 discrete calls: N1ii, N3, N5i, N5ii, N7iii, N8iii, N8iv N11i, N11ii, N12, N16i, N18, N20 and N21
The calls N16i, and N21 are exclusive for B1 pod.
9 calls are shared with at least the I1s.
The calls N1ii, N7ii, N8iii and N8iv are shared with the I1s only
The calls N3 and N12 are made by all the A clan groups.
The call N5i are also made by the A1s, A4s, A5s, Hs and I1s
The call N5ii are shared with the Hs and I1s
The call N11i are also made by the A1s, A4s and A5s and the call I11ii are shred with the Cs, Ds and Hs
The call N18 is also made by the Cs and the call N20 is shared with the Cs, Ds and I1s
B11 F: 1927-1973
B2 Baronet M: <1952-1998
B7 Scarlet F: 1947
B1 M: Hooker <1951-1998
One of the first whales they identified was Hooker, which came from his distinctive fin, which hooked forward.
B3 M: 1958-1982
B5 M: 1963-1985
B6 M Bauza: 1973-1992
When first identified, the Bs had a very, very small calf, young enough that he was still orange. Researchers called him Rusty because of his orange colouring. Rusty was very active as well, and while most calves were, he was hyper!
It's probable that Rusty was B6, who was born to B11 the year the study started. If so, he would grow up to be actually named Bauza.
B8 Izumi M: 1964-2002
B10 Slingsby M: 1979
The dorsal fin of B10 is very waky, tilting over to 30 degrees
2006: B10’s fin is straightening out.
B12 Nakwakto M: 1984-2006
B13 Yaculta M: 1987
B13's fin is total collapsed during the summer of 2006
B14 Klaskish F: 1991
B14 may have had (and lost) a calf in 2000, but no photo-ID was taken
B15 Raven M: 1995
B15 has a new nick and started sprouting in 2005
B16 Arrow ?: 2004